Oh, it's been a doozy of a semester, which I will fill you in on at some point this week. My last, oh-so-happy post should give you an idea. But no whiney posts to begin the week... Thanksgiving Break has finally arrived and the Jessi we all know and love (read: happy) is returning!
I officially began the decompress process last Friday afternoon, the moment my last class ended. I shot out of there and haven't looked back. Oh sure, I should go to the studio and do some work to keep in condition, but I just can't yet. I'm trying to exorcise the bad juju that has accumulated over the last few months. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe.
In the meantime, I'm thoroughly enjoying hours of Food Network episodes, tackling the mountain of laundry that has been dominating my room, catching up on all of your lovely blogs, cleaning the house, actually preparing and eating real meals beyond tuna sandwiches and eggs and toast, reading, and the start of a Monopoly marathon with the bf.
This, my friends, is a little piece of heaven known as an ice cream cupcake. Yes, this happened last night.
I also spent time today on my Avon business, which has been sadly neglected - oh, and take a moment to like my new Avon FB page! I'm very happy I finally made it, took me long enough. I'm excited to get to the list of other things to help grow my business over the next few days as well. This includes figuring out all the nifty ways to maximize social media for my biz, as well as either creating a new Avon-focused blog, or doing some kind of regular Avon feature on this blog... haven't yet decided, stay tuned...
I realize I'm lucky in getting the entire week off (thanks CSU!), so many of you are not quite on holiday time yet... but regardless, what are your week's plans? Big shindigs or some quiet R&R??
Glad to be back, miss you all!
Happy Monday lovelies!