I've been slowly catching up with all your blogs when I have a few minutes to sit, commenting here and there, but I'm still behind... I may not always comment, but I am reading and sending you thought-love! :) I'm at my computer so little these days... thank goodness, though, right? I mean, all I did was complain for a solid month about being bored out of my skull once I got back from Chicago, and all I wanted was to escape the office-cave and get back to dance. Well I'm back. And I'm definitely not bored.
Wowzers, SO MUCH has happened over the last couple of weeks - omigod, and it's only been 2 weeks - so here are some snippets of the latest and greatest in Better Late Than Never-land...
My grandfather's funeral and memorial services were nice remembrances of him. It was good to see my cousins, whom I love dearly and rarely get to see anymore, and we all had good laughs together while sharing memories of Grandpa. My grandfather was a stubborn, hard-working, devoted, hilarious kick in the pants. I have no doubt he's giving St. Peter a run for his money up there.

School revved from zero to sixty in typical fashion. I auditioned for the various semester concerts - I made it into a Senior Concert piece, a Student Concert piece, and I have my own student concert piece which I'm choreographing (and need to get busy with as soon as I'm finished here!). And then there's Tour Dance Company, which I'm an apprentice for. Tour is hugely time consuming right now, as we are learning repertory we'll take on tour (which will mostly just be in the Northern Colorado region). AND, we still have guest artists coming who will audition and set pieces on us for the Fall Dance Concert. Mon dieux. All I can say is between now and October 30, my life will be one big blur.

I'm dating. Finally. I know I never talk about my personal life here - well, as far as guys are concerned, anyway... I know I do plenty of grumbling about Aunt Flo, lol - but this is a big deal for me, so I feel the need to put it out there. In a nutshell, I've been nursing a very broken heart for the past 9 months or so, and while there is still healing to be done, I finally, finally found myself truly ready to start dating again about mid-August. It's a little scary, yes. But I think I've come to realize that part of the healing process is putting myself out there. I mean, I'm not going to find Mr. Man by holing up in my apartment all the time, right? And I'm happy to say that I had a wonderful third date with a certain handsome fella this weekend. We'll see what happens...!
I think that's all for now. That's all I can think of to update you all with, anyway! I miss you all dearly... so please come by and don't hesitate to leave a li'l sugah... I had a little blog hiatus, but you can't get rid of me that easily!
xoxo J
That is so awesome! I want to hear more about this handsome gentleman caller!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are back, I missed reading your posts!!! sounds like life is happening and happy :) that is wonderful. hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
ReplyDeleteAre you dating who I think you are dating because if you are, you are totally AWESOME!!!! (And you have to tell me how it is to tap that :) when/ if it happens! Tee Hee)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have been well and busy, busy is way better than bored. Very cool that you are dating again, nursing a broken heart can be time consuming but once you put yourself back out there the opportunities are endless! Good Luck! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHow are you pretty lady. SO glad to hear that things have been going well! Time heals things and so does a rockin' new fella!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you back on your feet. Hope he is a dancer---> that's important....
ReplyDeletewelcome back!!! glad to hear you are dating again. can't wait to hear all those stories ;)
ReplyDeleteso glad you are back!!! I am glad you are dating again too :) good for you!! Can't wait to head some more stories!
ReplyDeleteyou should definitely start dating again! dating is fun and it means free dinners ;-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, you call two weeks a hiatus, eh? I think I'm going on two months here soon. Oh well. Glad things are turning around for ya! :o)
ReplyDeletehey gurl hey! i hope you have some time to breathe between all the dancing! i also hope we get to see you sometime to hang out, cuz i miss you! :)