
... dance, fitness, food, health, life...

Friday, July 23, 2010

And it goes on and on and on and on

Hey hey!

Long time no blog, I know. Sorry, been busy. Just the usual... work and Avon and dance and church stuff and the typical summer shenanigans. A quick round of pics from last weekend's adventures...

I heart gelato!


Air pool-stick guitar

Cue it up!

I want to thank everyone for your sweet comments and condolences for my grandma. All of your comments really touched me!! Her service was small but sweet, and the weather was gorgeous. Colorado-sunny, but not too hot, and the coolest part: while the minister was doing his thing, a yellow monarch butterfly kept fluttering around. We all agreed that it was Grandma hanging out one last time before heading up to chill with Grandpa. It was great :)

Life goes on and both Grandma and Grandpa were no-BS, hard-workin' folk, so I know they'd want me to do exactly that - no moping around for too long allowed! My days are quite full, and my happy-go-lucky, I'm-in-love-with-summer self returned last week and has definitely been in full-force this week.

There are things to report - about my job, about school/dance - but I'll save that for next week (if I can get myself to Blogland long enough to write a post, sheesh...). I just don't have a long post in me right now.

This weekend's shenanigans entail camping and hiking a 14er (that's a 14,000-foot mountain, for you flat-landers ;) ) - or two! Pics to come, I'm sure ;) What are your weekend plans??

Happy weekend, lovelies!



  1. I am so excited to hear about dance and job stuff! And I love gelato- gonna get me some tonight! Then tomorrow I'm going to the Fair. Woohoo!

  2. Glad you're back. :) can't wait to hear more news! ;)

    Happy weekend.
    I'll be working!

  3. Yayay! You're back! I missed you! So glad you're going to have a weekend full of fun and excitement! :)

  4. Aw, I missed the chance to send my thoughts before, so belated condolences to you. Your remembrance of her was incredibly sweet and thoughtful.

  5. YAY!!!!! looks like you had a blast lady!!! :)
