
... dance, fitness, food, health, life...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reflect: 2012

This year was not an easy one. The year began with a sudden onset of pain and fatigue, to discover several months later that rheumatoid arthritis had taken up residence in my body and that it was a permanent companion. I was not able to finish the final semester of my dance degree due to financial constraints. I spent many months unemployed, adding to the squeeze. I uprooted and moved far away from my family, friends and home. I'm still nursing a homesick heart.

But despite the rough road that 2012 has been, the blessings and gifts helped me deal with the trials.

I got certified to teach the first year syllabus in the Vaganova (Russian) ballet technique. I got engaged. I got married. I moved across the country with a partner in crime. I'm getting reacquainted with West African dance in my new city. To name a few.

And the people! Oh the people in my life... I've never been without good supportive people, but this year I feel like I paid closer attention. My life would be a hot mess without my peeps.

I'm terrible, absolutely terrible, about writing thank you notes. I wish I weren't. I have no idea why, but sitting down to write out few thank-you notes just overwhelms me. It feels like such a chore. Lamesauce, I know. I'm working on it. Baby steps, folks. For the record: I have finally started my wedding thank-you's... hella late, yes, but as my blog indicates, this is how I roll...

Bronco girl in Steeler country. The Broncos are in the playoffs, I might add. Holla!
So for everyone who supported, friended, helped, guided, listened, liked and loved me this last year, near and far, old friends and new, THANK YOU. The lack of a thank you note in your mailbox is not the reflection of what I feel in my heart. Genuine, full, raw GRATITUDE. I'm one lucky lady.

First dance performance in the 'Burgh. Sorry for the blur. African dance moves too fast for my Crackberry.

Looking back on your 2012, how do you feel about it? Maybe you feel grateful, content, inspired, but maybe not. It's okay. This is real life and life is stupid sometimes. Please share, I'd love to hear about it!



  1. Man, you have had a crazy year! I can't believe it's all happened in such a short amount of time. Crazy. So crazy.

    Now you're making me want to get back into West African dance. hmm....

  2. Indeed - makes me tired thinking about it, ha! And yes, do some African! So good for the soul :)

  3. Gah! Your year has had such a large expanse of milestones - certifications, engagement, marriage, on earth you fit it all into one year is beyond me! :P

    My biggest milestone was graduating from Grad School {which only took place 2 weeks ago}. It is so nice to know that I will not be starting 2013 with my head in a textbook! :D

  4. Haha, I tend to do too much in general, so who knows?! It all seems to get done, somehow.

    Congrats on Grad School!! That's definitely an accomplishment.
