
... dance, fitness, food, health, life...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy happy happy

Happy Monday, happy February, just happy!

Mr. Groundhog informs us spring is fast approaching. The weather outside says otherwise. I hope he's right, because I'm ready for these:

All Pinterest

I finally saw a rheumatologist last week, hooray! This means the return to my RA drug treatment (this makes me sound like I have a drug problem... rest assured, these are doc prescribed). This in turn means subsiding flare ups and pain, which means getting back to my regularly scheduled program of this:

Gettin' down with my bad self, circa 2011.
That guy on the right? That's my friend C. He's the life of the party, always.
Photo credit: Jessica Loucks.
Valentine's Day! Which means this:

{Google images}
Burgers for V-Day? You know it.

Our first date was on Valentine's Day. Oh so cliche, I know. It was totally spontaneous and an "undate", if you will. More on that later this month... :)

Happy Monday!



  1. So glad you're getting the help you need! And Five GUYS???!!!! My favorite!!!

  2. Thanks, soon I'll be back in action! I know, right?! Best burgers. Ever.

  3. Oh nice, I love the idea of a V-day burger! I'm in a long-distance relationship and will be solo on Valentine's Day itself, so maybe I'll grab a burger and fries with a lady friend out here.
