On Christmas Eve, Boyfriend and I, along with my brothers, sis-in-law and nephew, gathered at my Dad's for Christmas Part 1. Dad and his girlfriend made us turkey dinner, at my special request (I don't dig the Christmas ham thing), complete with my grandma's Christmas bread pudding with whiskey caramel sauce. That business is gooooood. And of course gifts, complete with the little liquor filled chocolates my dad gives us every year. Boyfriend got some, too.
Speaking of Boyfriend, this was his first Christmas! He's from Iran, so Christmas is not really celebrated in the predominantly Muslim country. Between the delish grub, the sweet art set my dad and his lady gave him and the comedy provided by my brothers, his thought was "I love Christmas!" Haha, oh Boyfriend...
Once adequately stuffed with turkey and bread pudding, it was off to my other grandma's house to meet up with Mom and her side of the fam for Christmas Part 2. More food, more vino, more gifts and much more laughter. It's amazing my abs were not sore yesterday.
On the brink of food coma, we trekked back home and collapsed. Christmas Day was quiet, just Boyfriend and I. We began the day with a nursing home visit with some of our church crew to bring the old folks gifts and Christmas cheer. Then we brunched at the dive diner my grandpa (the bread pudding grandma's sidekick) used to frequent when he was still alive. Totally unglamorous but special - I know Grandpa was there. Later that night, dinner was sushi and Chinese at one of the best Asian bistros in town.

It was a very merry Christmas.
Cute! I love that this was your boyfriend's first Christmas and that he loved it. What a fabulous day!