
... dance, fitness, food, health, life...

Friday, July 15, 2011


Hold up summer, what's the rush?? Chill. Kick off your flip flops and stay awhile. Your company I love the most. (Slight panic creeping in upon realization that it's already July 15...)

So lovelies, how are your summers? Mine is going too fast. As usual. I'm not getting done half of what I planned. As usual. But no matta! I'm not going to let that bring down my mood.... there are still about 6 weeks of summer goodness to milk.

Biking is going well for the most part. There have been some not-so-fun adventures, of course. Apparently North America gets monsoon weather, and despite being land-locked almost smack in the middle of the country, Colorado gets hit with it, too. I'm talking hella crazy thunderstorms, rain and hail. It's been better this week, but last week was truly monsoon-y. Which inspired an emergency visit to the bike shop to pimp my ride with front and back fenders to avoid the street-grimed-legs-and-mud-butt results of rain biking. Not a good look when meeting with Avon clients, ha! And one afternoon I hid under a tree during one particular torrential downpour, attempting to stay quasi-dry. Good times.

I did get a break this week... a friend of mine often travels for work, so while working across the pond in London town this week, she allowed me to borrow her car. My quads were very grateful for the vacay! And arriving dry to work and Avon meetings has been lovely :)

Things I'd still like to do before fall semester begins... Hike a couple more montañas. Pool. I've not nearly had enough pool days. Read while sprawling on a blanket under a tree in the park. Sit on more patios, drinking margaritas, mojitos and sangria. Eat lots more corn on the cob. Catch up on SYTYCD... I'm waaaaay behind. And HARRY POTTER, bahhhh!!

Whew, I have a few things to do over the next 6 weeks. I better get a move on...

Pics via We Heart It

Happy Weekend lovelies!



  1. Have a wonderful weekend and a rest of this summer. I've been a bit MIA lately with commenting but know I read every post! ;)

    Happy rest of JULY! Cannot believe it's already mid-July?! Where the heck did this summer go?! WOW.


  2. My summer is going way too fast too! I could definitely use more sangria, margaritas, etc. too!
