
... dance, fitness, food, health, life...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Buzz, buzz, buzz

That's me, a busy little bee today.

I started my day attending church with some friends. Haven't done that for awhile. My soul and heart need some TLC right now, so it was good.

I drove over to the UCA to practice my pedagogy lesson that I'm supposed to teach tomorrow, but the studios were locked. I was getting hungry anyway, so I drove home and ate lunch instead. My stomach never lets me down.

Then I took care of some domestic duties while lunch digested - groceries, laundry and dishes.

While waiting on laundry to dry, I sat down and knocked out a draft of my modern final paper. I'll revise and finish that tomorrow night.

Practiced my pedagogy lesson in my room.

Ate a snack and caught the Broncos' halftime report - they were up against the NY Jets 27-14 (they ended up winning 34-17).

More Pedagogy practice and then I typed up the lesson to turn in to my teacher. That freakin' took forever, ugh.

Got hungry again, so I practiced more Pedagogy in the kitchen while I cooked and ate. Ahh, multitasking!

Then the fun began - I got in touch with my inner arts-and-crafts-kid and starting making my mask. I love art projects! I didn't finish, but I will tomorrow night. It looks pretty sweet, methinks. Half is now covered in ivy leaves and tomorrow I'll cover the other half in twigs and other dead foliage I find outside (the theme is the duality of nature, or the opposite seasons of summer and winter - yay for abstract art!). Watched/listened to Lord of the Rings: Return of the King while I played with hot glue and plastic ivy leaves.

After Frodo saved Middle Earth and returned to the Shire, I talked with my best friend on the phone for over an hour. And now here I am, posting this rambling blog and winding down for the evening. I think I'll do some bedtime yoga and journaling before I go to sleep.

My week of laziness has come to an end, *sigh*. Time to return to my crammed schedule of work, senior concert week, end-of-the-semester projects, and finals. Giddy up...

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